Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Final Portfolio




I really liked using InDesign.  Once I understood how to resize the pictures as well as the frames, it was not too difficult to use.  I am pleased with how my portfolio came out.  I chose the theme of a blue paisley design as my cover pages as well as my page numbers because I really like the design.  I love the portfolio as it puts together all of my hard work throughout the semester to one booklet so that I can see all the projects together and the improvements I have made.  Thank you, Professor Corrigan, for everything you have taught me throughout the semester!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Animation 2


For this project, the most challenging part was making it look realistic and not too choppy and fake.  At first, I moved the boats one at a time every couple seconds, and they were going too fast and looked fake.  I ended up just moving the boat for the last ten seconds only and then going back and making marks to move it up and down a little like it was bobbing.  I found animations a little challenging but think it is a really cool feature of Photoshop and skill to learn.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


For my collage, I took the cheesy route and did a picture of my family and our family friends.  The pictures I used were sailboats, birds, us, the ocean, beach, and a sand texture.  The most challenging part of this project was making us look like we were really in the sand with the shadows.  It also saved a little blurry which I do not really like.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Magazine Cover

For my magazine cover, I decided to create a travel magazine.  I focused on the font style to try to find fonts which made it look like a real magazine.  I also wanted different fonts and colors to have specific things stand out such as the 15 and "The Caribbean".  I painted a shadow under my legs to make it more realistic, so it did not look like I was photoshopped into the picture.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Photoshop Scene

I really liked using Photoshop.  I found it a lot easier to use than Illustrator.  To crop, I used the magnetic lasso, magic wand, and eraser.  I decided to try to add a shadow of myself to the ground along with the tree to make it look realistic.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


context.moveTo(505, 145);
context.quadraticCurveTo(355, 40, 260, 188);
context.lineTo(315, 220);
context.quadraticCurveTo(375, 120, 465, 190);
context.fillStyle ='#ed4035';

context.quadraticCurveTo(230, 250, 265, 320);
context.lineTo(315, 290);
context.quadraticCurveTo(300, 255, 315, 220);
context.fillStyle = '#f6bf02';

context.moveTo(265, 320);
context.quadraticCurveTo(360, 460, 500, 375);
context.lineTo(455, 335);
context.quadraticCurveTo(360, 375, 315, 290);
context.lineTo(265, 320);
context.fillStyle = '#37a655';

context.moveTo(455, 335);
context.quadraticCurveTo(560, 335, 550, 225);
context.lineTo(400, 225);
context.lineTo(400, 285);
context.lineTo(490, 285);
context.quadraticCurveTo(490, 310, 455, 335);
context.fillStyle = '#4385f5';

For my project, I chose to go the Google symbol.  To create this, I used the reference picture below to use the pen tool to trace the outline of the shapes, and then eye dropped the colors to get the exact colors.  When I looked at the drawing on Firefox, I made adjustments to my numbers to get a better curve and what I believed was a smoother curve. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Vector Drawing

I mainly used the gradient mesh for this project which took forever.  I think the most challenging part of this project was how close the lines had to be to get an accurate drawing, and then streaks showed up on the wings; however, I kind of liked the look it gave the back wings.  Also, I tried to delete lines to remove the streaks, but then it deleted parts of the wings.  The branch I added shadows as well as an effect to give it the bark texture.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Corpse Drawing

For my corpse, I liked using the effects to give the body as well as the hills a texture so they did not seem flat.  The harder parts of this project were trying to make the clouds as well as keeping track of all the different layers.  The facial features were also a bit challenging.  I like the background of my picture of the flower field and sky. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Comparing Logos

Logos are an extremely important part of companies as it is what the customers remember and recognize the company as.  For my two companies, I chose Best Buy and RadioShack to compare the logos.

RadioShack has a logo which is very simple and easy to read due to its bright color and simplicity.  Since its name is so long, it uses an "R" to represent the company which is smart because if it tried to fit the whole name, it would be very small and difficult to read at a distant; however, I think having just the "R" makes it harder to distinguish the company.  People may confuse this with several other companies which begin with an "R" because the logo does not have anything which stands out to me as RadioShack or relating to electronics. Perhaps if it has an "RS" it would be a more effective logo.

Best Buy takes a very different approach to its logo which I believe is more successful.  The shape of the logo is a price tag which correlates to the name as the company wants the customers to believe they are getting the best deals.  Also, the color is very unique and stands out.  Driving down a road, I would easily be able to recognize Best Buy from a distance due its prominent and unique color and shape.  The size of the letters is very easy to read as it fills up most of the space in the price tag, and the letters are thick enough to be able to read from a distance without them blending together.

Overall, I believe Best Buy has the stronger logo.  The shape of the logo distinguishes the company and makes it recognizable.  The simple "R" for RadioShack makes it easy to read but is more likely to get confused with other companies beginning with "R" due to its lack of uniqueness or reference to the company type.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Ideas for companies & products

5 Ideas for Companies and Products:

1. A prom dress exchange company.  
With how expensive a prom dress is to wear for one occasion, this company would create an easy way to sell, rent, or buy dresses.  This targets high school girls.  After wearing the dress for the occasion and having no other use for it, this gives them a way to get some of their money back and give their dresses to other people to enjoy.

2.  A savory and sweet crepe shop.  
Instead of the normal American or Mexican restaurant, this store offers savory or sweet crepes.  It acts as an assembly line like Chipotle or Subway where the customers get to choose their toppings including fruit, chocolate, and whipped cream for the sweet crepes or meat, vegetables, and dressing for the savory crepes.  This targets the general public who enjoys going out to eat but becomes sick of the usual restaurant styles (American, Mexican, Chinese, and Italian).

3.  Written to typed scanner.  
This scanner would scan your handwritten work and convert it to a word document.  You can easily and quickly turn a handwritten essay into a computer document to edit or turn in.  This would target students as they often create written rough drafts and later have to type the whole thing out.  This would save them a lot of time which is useful in their busy schedules.

4.  An adjustable, two-applicator mascara brush.  
Instead of doing one eye at a day, this brush allows you to apply mascara to both eyelashes at the same time as there are two brushes attached to the same stick.  The adjustable stick allows you to bend the brushes to your desire and ensure the stick does not touch your nose.  This targets females as it is a more efficient and faster way to do makeup.  The adjustable part would appeal to them because it avoids getting mascara on their nose and cuts the time to do makeup down.

5.  Grocery helper.  
This company would provide employees who would do your grocery shopping for you.  On the app, you select the products you want to buy, and they would do the shopping for you.  You then pay for the groceries as well as a service charge.  It is also possible to have the groceries delivered to your house.  This targets the elderly as well as those who either dislike or have trouble grocery shopping.  

About Me

My name is Hannah Klaben,and I am a freshman at the University of Tampa.  I am from Syracuse, New York and needed to escape from the brutal winters of three feet of snow.  Having two older sisters and parents who all studied in the business field, I decided to major in accounting.  In high school, I played volleyball, ran track and became a certified scuba-diver.  I also took a studio media class in ninth grade which I really enjoyed since it allowed me to be artistic and creative even though I cannot draw better than a five-year-old.  I am really excited for this class to help further strengthen my digital skills.

My sister, Sarah, and I

My sister, Ali, and I

Scuba diving in the St. Lawrence River